Selige Welt

D 743 Opus 23 - 2

Johann Chrysostomus Senn 1970 - 1970

Artists: Peter Schöne - Baritone | Boris Cepeda - Piano

Recording: Tuesday, 13. January 2009 | Berlin


Ich treibe auf des Lebens Meer,
Ich sitze gemut in meinem Kahn,
Nicht Ziel, noch Steuer, hin und her,
Wie die Strömung reißt, wie die Winde gahn.

Eine selige Insel sucht der Wahn,
Doch eine ist es nicht.
Du lande gläubig überall an,
Wo sich Wasser an Erde bricht.

Johann Chrysostomus Senn
Tiroler Ehrenkranz, Hrsg. von Dr. Alois Lanner, Verlagsanstalt Tyrolia, Innsbruck 1925 - Public domain

About poem

The poem Selige Welt cannot be found in Senn's printed works.

About music

Written: 1822
Publishing (announced): 4. August 1823
Original key:  A♭   major
Songtype: A-B-A'
Key recorded:  C   major
Schubert's residence 1822

Johann Senn and Franz Schubert were friends. Together with Johann Mayrhofer, Franz von Bruchmann, Leopold Kupelwieser, and Ernst von Feuchtersleben, they formed a circle of friends who secretly and sometimes openly "gained notoriety" and thus "caught the attention of the secret police". Senn was accused of criticizing the regime of Metternich. He was imprisoned in 1820 for his revolutionary ideas and later deported to Tyrol. The group of friends fell apart due to Schubert's sudden death. 2.1

In 1822, Schubert set to music Schwanengesang D 744 and Selige Welt D 743 by Senn. He received the poems from his friend as an autograph.

Source situation

Here you can find some informations about sources: Thematisches Verzeichnis von Otto Erich Deutsch

Manuscript location: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, preussischer Kulturbesitz

The publication procured 1823 Sauer & Leidesdorf in Wien as Opus 23 - 2 | Publisher Number 367

About publishing

Cover sheet Opus 23 4.1
Cover sheet Wiener Zeitung 4. August 1823 4.2


Old Schubert Edition, Series  XX, Vol. 07 № 406
New Schubert Edition  IV, Vol. 02
Friedlaender Edition  Bd. 4 » 19
Bärenreiter Urtext Edition  Bd. 1 » 137

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